The sun sets on my
Falcon Experience
Why "The
Falcon Experience?"
you ask!!!
As we travel
through life we come across people/places/experiences that have a huge
impact on us - an impact that will remain with us until we reach the
end of the road. (Not the South Shore road dumbass! I am talking about
the long road of life.)
Falcon Lake is a very important part of my life. Wonderful people,
fantastic scenery, amazing nature, a tremendous work experience,
and a home that will live forever in my
I realized something very important as I was reflecting on my time
living in Falcon Lake. I know - a bald head in the sun always does a
lot of reflecting - but I am going deeper than that. I realized that I
remember my life as major events that were important to me. The very
early years growing up on Furby Street in Winnipeg, floating through
High School in Belleville, drooling my way through university in
Waterloo, meeting my ex in Thompson, raising our kids in Winnipeg,
and, working with Barb & Craig & friends at Falcon Trails Resort in Falcon Lake. |
Our Deck - and
some of the local wildlife
Marita and I lived in the manager's residence while at the Trails.
We had the most amazing deck for BBQ'ing, picture taking, relaxing,
and feeding the wildlife - not to mention
entertaining my favourite gals :)
Granted, some of the wildlife was more demanding. The two on the
right, for example, demanded their food be BBQ'd and were not at all
interested in the sunflower seeds the birds and squirrels loved.
Being of a very generous nature - I accommodated them as best I
could :)
The following pictures are all taken on our deck. |
The Bird Feeder
Left -
become the Batman of Falcon. This fella got trapped inside the Welcome
Center and eventually dropped to the floor starving and dehydrated.
Being of a good nature, I sacrificed several of our precious mosquito
population to bring him back to health. Here he is taking some water
after his first meal in days.
Below left
- Mr. Red Squirrel - king of the feeder during the day.
Cute as a button but can they ever bite. Not an experience I choose to
repeat. The Flying squirrels (see musician profiles) are much nicer to
play with.
Below Right
- Mr Chipmunk. Now these guys are cute and funny. Unfortunately, they
do not hang around with the Red Squirrels (very smart critters). Once
in a while we see one on the deck. This one just robbed the bird
feeder. |
Right -
The fisher, a very rare visitor to our feeder. How rare are they Bill?
- So rare I am not even sure if it is a fisher, a martin, or a rat on
steroids. Cute as a button but not one you want biting your hand. He
chewed through the frozen suet like it was peanut butter.
Below Left
- A gross beak - so named because of the terrible language they use in
the evenings when you are trying to relax on the deck. There are
several different kinds around the deck - but they are all gross.
Below Right
- Mr Grouse - a totally weird member of the nature world. I believe
survival of the dumbest applies in his case. I did, however, learn how
to field strip one. I think it is much easier if they are already dead
though. |
A Tree Frog ?
Okay - this is a tree frog. BUTT - he has decided to move down in life
and live in Marita's sailboat - specifically the keel slot.
I actually met him at High Lake. He planted himself on the hood of the
Kabota and rode back to the lodge with me. I believe he was an outcast
- too dumb to know what a tree is. Anyway, once back at the lodge Barb
told me to put him in a tree where he would be happy. The next day -
he took up residence in the boat.
He decided to leave
when I started wondering out loud what BBQ'd frog would taste like
compared the hamburgers I was grilling. Either that or the red
squirrels got him. |
A Luna Moth
I had never seen one of these
before. They are very pretty - not what you would expect for a moth.
I know absolutely nothing about
them so I am not sure how long I will be able to run off at the mouth
here. Maybe I can pretend I am a Hockey Night in Canada commentator.
Where did they find these guys ??? They sound like old baseball
I fully understand why baseball
has commentators who spew forth statistics. It keeps you occupied
while you are waiting for something to happen in the game. "Yes folks,
the last time Charlie Four Fingers pulled his baseball that low was in
a game against the Boston Boohoo's on July 4th, 1937. He was fielding
a long ball hit by - Ohhh - Gerbowsky just hit a home run and has
managed to stretch it into a triple - jolly good "
BUTT Hockey ??? I really don't
want to listen to a panel of guys discussing the color of skates
Marcel de Hockee was wearing when he scored the overtime winner
against the Miami MooMoo's in the 2003 finals. In case they haven't
noticed. The action never stops in hockey. I don't like the game being
stopped for commercials and panel discussions. Unless it is Don Cherry
of course. I like Don :)) |
And Lastly -
Feeding The Fox
One of the best things about Falcon was feeding the
local wildlife.
This is the Falcon Lake Vampire Fox - a very vicious
and rare animal. They have been known to take down and eat a full
grown man in one sitting.
However, myself and a couple of brave and hardy souls
could not resist the temptation to lure one in for a feeding in order
to get some photos.
Note the huge teeth and the very friendly but
misleading face. Beware my friend if you ever meet one in real life.
They are fast and mean ...
You will note, in the last frame, I am in my sock
feet. The socks had been socked in a strong garlic solution to prevent
what could have been a deadly attack. I could not risk covering up the
garlic essence with shoes.
Even though I feared for life and limb - it was worth
the risk in the end - well ... except for the part
where he stole my sandwich.