I believe in God!
I think a lot of people
believe in God. I don't care if they believe in my god or something
different - it is just nice to know they believe in something. If you
think God lives in your fridge - that is great. That is where I find
my socks sometimes but I can relate to that.
I am not religious but I
do believe in Religion.
Religion does not have a very
good track record when it comes to being abused by those in power.
This is a "necessary evil" as the good of Religion outweighs the bad -
in my humble opinion. The downside ... Religions make you feel
guilty about life so that you will support them and make them
stronger. The upside ... Religions teach a good set of rules to live
by and we as hunman beings need that. They are like "God's Used
Car Dealers".
Am I cynical? - I don't think so. My friends tell me I am more anal
than cynical. But then - what do they know.
Eventually, I will tell you about my God. I will wait until later
because I can't really deal with millions of "newly converted" right
now. I need time to get my life in order before people come flocking
to my church. I call it a church even though I do not allow religion - only God ... and me ... and eventually you of course.
I have been pouring over old documents from all over the world back
to the beginning of time. I want to know how many people have been
killed in the name of "Religion" vs other reasons. I am only part way
through but it looks like a pretty high ratio. I will never kill
anybody in the name of my religion. I doubt I would ever kill anybody
for any reason - but definitely not because of that.
Does this bother you??? Well then just remember - It's a thin
slice that doesn't have two sides :)) |