Okay - I have
found my socks in the freezer on occasion. BUTT - I do suffer from hot feet :)
Tender Foot - I am the worst tender foot in the history of man - or
woman. Now there is a thought - who came first? Anyway. I cannot walk on
grass in my bare feet - it hurts. I can do carpet - unless there is a frozen
pea stuck in there somewhere. This explains why all my socks have holes in
them - I wear them whether or not I have shoes on. It takes me a whole
summer to get used to wearing moccasins - very healthy for the feet but
painful for me. On the other hand - I can walk barefoot on ice and snow
quite comfortably. Go figure :)
Washing Clothes - Why is it so bad to have a little color in
your white clothes? First of all - the only white things I wear are socks.
If the color of my socks bothers you - get off your knees and look at
something else. Also, the bottoms of my white socks are all stained by mud
and grass anyway. It seems to make a lot more sense to me to throw it all in
together and git er done in one big load. Saves money, time, and
frustration. I am, supposedly, color blind - so I always look good when I
step up to the mirror anyway :)
The chicken or the egg ??? - Interesting - but who cares. Now, who
came first - Man or Woman ??? That is the question. And I am sure I will
have an answer soon. I am open to ideas :) |